Color Chart
Primary Colors represent Integral Colors, which means the color that gets mixed in with the concrete.
Secondary Colors represent Release Colors, These are commonly referred to as Antique Colors.
Secondary colors are only used during the stamping process so if you are not stamping then you will only choose from the Primary Chart.
Concrete colors and charts are only a representation of a certain amount of color per batch. There are many variables when it comes to final color. Materials, ratios, and other factors affect final color. Your curb may be slightly different that what you see below.
Primary Colors represent Integral Colors, which means the color that gets mixed in with the concrete.
Secondary Colors represent Release Colors, These are commonly referred to as Antique Colors.
Secondary colors are only used during the stamping process so if you are not stamping then you will only choose from the Primary Chart.
Concrete colors and charts are only a representation of a certain amount of color per batch. There are many variables when it comes to final color. Materials, ratios, and other factors affect final color. Your curb may be slightly different that what you see below.
Stamped Curbing
When T & K Outdoors stamps with rollers you can get a ton of different looks that can compliment your landscape. Our process
involves several different steps and is very simple to achieve.
Step 1 - The homeowner is to pick what impression they would like from the choices below.
Step 2 - Decide what the overall color of the curb is going to be. This will be chosen by you from the secondary color chart. This color will be the main color of the curb so you need to be sure when you choose.
Step 3 - T & K Outdoors then will pick the color from the primary chart that best goes with your color. The color we choose will be the light undertones that accompanies the color you chose, its important that this color
contrasts, that is why it is best we choose it.
Your stamped curbing will be sealed with a high gloss acrylic concrete seal to protect it from the elements and also bring out the colors.
Great color combos: Honey Buff with Walnut as the main color!
Honey Buff with Russet as the Main.
When T & K Outdoors stamps with rollers you can get a ton of different looks that can compliment your landscape. Our process
involves several different steps and is very simple to achieve.
Step 1 - The homeowner is to pick what impression they would like from the choices below.
Step 2 - Decide what the overall color of the curb is going to be. This will be chosen by you from the secondary color chart. This color will be the main color of the curb so you need to be sure when you choose.
Step 3 - T & K Outdoors then will pick the color from the primary chart that best goes with your color. The color we choose will be the light undertones that accompanies the color you chose, its important that this color
contrasts, that is why it is best we choose it.
Your stamped curbing will be sealed with a high gloss acrylic concrete seal to protect it from the elements and also bring out the colors.
Great color combos: Honey Buff with Walnut as the main color!
Honey Buff with Russet as the Main.